sábado, 25 de junho de 2016

Lou Andreas-Salomé

Cquote1.svgOuse, ouse... ouse tudo!!
Não tenha necessidade de nada!
Não tente adequar sua vida a modelos,
nem queira você mesmo ser um modelo para ninguém.
Acredite: a vida lhe dará poucos presentes.
Se você quer uma vida, aprenda... a roubá-la!
Ouse, ouse tudo! Seja na vida o que você é, aconteça o que acontecer.
Não defenda nenhum princípio, mas algo de bem mais maravilhoso:
algo que está em nós e que queima como o fogo da vida!!
(intelectual Russa)

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016

Dana Delany

Isabel, a new friend of mine, sent me the link to this interview with the incredibly beautiful and talented actress Dana Delany. You can read more about her life and her work here, but the reason why I was sent this link is because Isabel knew I'd be happy to "meet" one more childless woman who seems to be having a great life!

Dana is 60 years old (can you believe it? I am still in shock) and said her secret for looking young is, and I quote; "I've never been married, I don't have kids, I do yoga everyday and I drink a lot of wine". I am sure there is much more to it than she reveals, but, hey, why don't we try it ourselves?

There is a yoga course waiting for me starting next week, and a half-full bottle of wine in my fridge. Off I go, ladies. Wish me luck and please let me know if this works for you too, hu? The comments section is open.


terça-feira, 8 de março de 2016

Direitos das mulheres na legislação brasileira

Faça o download gratuito da publicação MULHER do Senado Federal.

National Women's Hall of Fame

Every day is a good day to check the National Women's Hall of Fame, but if you need a special day, how about today?

Nellie Bly

It has been a while… but I thought that the International Women’s day would be a great day to come back here, as nothing in this world gives me more pleasure than to research, to learn more, to write about and to celebrate women’s lives.

I was lucky enough to meet someone fantastic soon after coming back to this project. Her name is Nellie Bly.

A journalist and world-traveler who was ahead of her time in more ways than I could ever count. Over a 100 years ago, she paved the way for women in journalist after writing about the brutal treatment received by women suffering from mental health issues by pretending to have amnesia and investigating their daily life in one asylum in New York. 

Her report can be found in the book “Ten days in a mad-house” which was adapted to the big screen in a film production released last year. 

She has also traveled around the world in 72 days, invented a bunch of things and
was one of the leading women industrialists in the United States. She got married, never had kids and died of pneumonia at age 57. A short-but well-lived life, it seems. 

Learn more about Nellie by:

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