“Thousands of women experience problems during childbirth or pregnancy each year, yet some of the techniques for dealing with difficult labours haven't changed during the last 50 years and may, according to some experts, do more harm than good. We talk to the director of a new centre aiming to make childbirth safer and less traumatic and to help women who have had one difficult labour, avoid having the same problems the next time round.
Bidisha is joined by Sarah Parmenter, Professor Susan Wray, Director of the Centre for Better Births in Liverpool and Dr Sarah Vause, consultant obstetrician at St Mary's Hospital in Manchester.”
This is the introduction of the Woman's Hour Podcast on Better Births.
To listen to the full programme click here.
OLá Nicole, Obrigada por suas pelavras carinhosas e pela visita ao letra e fel.
ResponderExcluirOlha, leia Camille Paglia, americana, o livro se chama Personas sexuais, vc vai amar!
Adorei seu blog, vou vir aqui com mais tempo para ler bastante, gostei das mulheres ao lado, a Hilda Hilst é uma forte interlocutora da minha poesia.
renata bomfim
Olá Nicole trabalho com grupos de mulheres, agradec ida por sua contribuição ao universo feminino.
ResponderExcluirIdem caríssima! :)